No need to have perfect pitch! Chords for all songs are transcribed by our team to offer quality charts that scroll in sync with the music.
Download Jamzone MAC / iOS / Android AppOur technology adapts chords to your skill level, without any loading time. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced player, you'll be ready to groove from the get-go with our extensive backing tracks catalog.
Control the mix of each instrument recorded in studio to create, on the fly, the backing track that suits you best. With Jamzone you can complete your band wherever you are.
More than 66,000 backing tracks are already available and hundreds of new ones are added each month. From country to pop music, spice up your parties and create unforgettable memories!
Download Jamzone MAC / iOS / Android AppRyan Bruce
Guitarist, YouTuber
Jamzone is an entire audio library for musicians. You can jam along to what is essentially the proper studio recording. This is really cool!