Attention to detail is a shared value among music lovers and professional live performers. Jamzone, renowned for its superior audio quality and fidelity to original songs, is often the tool of choice for live performances and jam sessions. However, the Jamzone community has previously noted volume discrepancies between tracks.
The good news is that we have a few tips for enhancing your live performance 😉
and the best one may be at the end of this article … 👀
Let's take a look at why and how we continue to bring you the best, while respecting one thing we all have in common: a love of music.
Loudness War vs Love of Music

One thing you have may noticed while using Jamzone : Volume inconsistencies.
This isn't a bug, only the result of our catalog produced over 18 years with hundreds of different producers, music genres, and recording eras. The only option could be to integrate a volume normalizer in the app.
Some people have asked why we don't do it. well, have you heard of loudness war?
The loudness war in music, beginning late 20th century, is a trend of increasing volume levels in recordings through dynamic range compression. While this can enhance immediacy and punch, it often leads to loss of audio quality, reduced dynamics, and listener fatigue.
Louder = Better ?
Did you know that an acoustic guitar track, like “Blackbird” by the Beatles, generally has better dynamic range than a Lady Gaga track affected by the loudness war ?
This song, featuring Paul McCartney on acoustic guitar, showcases the instrument's natural dynamics and subtle nuances, providing a clear example of how acoustic guitar music can preserve and highlight dynamic range. In contrast, tracks impacted by the loudness war, like some modern pop songs, have compressed dynamics to maintain a consistently high volume, which can reduce the richness and subtlety of the sound.

Music often seems better when louder due to a psychoacoustic effect called "loudness bias." They appear more exciting and engaging, masking flaws and making them compelling in casual listening environments. This effect is why the loudness war has persisted, as producers aim to make their music more instantly appealing.
Are you a fan of Metallica ? Well, a lot of people thought the Guitar Hero versions (yes, the video game) sounded better. Why? Because they sounded much louder.
Given the choice, would you rather listen to an original Metallica album or a Guitar Hero version?
At Jamzone, out of love for the music and respect for the artists, we prefer to share their vision with the original version. 😉

Why Balance Matters ?
In an era where technology and tradition often collide, musicians are discovering innovative ways to blend the timeless appeal of acoustic instruments with the precision and versatility of digital tools.
Balancing your music is not just about achieving the perfect mix of sounds; it's about creating a live performance that resonates with your audience.
Here’s why balance is crucial:
- Enhancing Sound Quality: The Jamzone app allows you to isolate and adjust different tracks, ensuring that each element of your performance is heard clearly. This is particularly useful for acoustic instruments, where nuances can often get lost in the mix.
- Flexibility and Control: With Jamzone, you can customize your backing tracks to suit the mood and style of each performance. Whether you're playing a mellow jazz set or a high-energy rock gig, the app provides the flexibility to adapt your music on the fly.
- Professionalism: Making sure you do your sound check before a show is a basic requirement for any musician with a little experience. In an age where electronics increasingly meets the organic, if you're thinking of tuning your guitar, think of doing the sound check on your mixer 😉.
That's why the Jamzone mixer gives you total flexibility over the volume you want to give your tracks.

Thanks to the new AUv3 function, which lets you take control of the elements you want, you can choose to raise or lower the volume at any time, taking control in real time with any device connected to the mixer in midi.
Whether it's your local pub or a music festival, it's your music, your choice.
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