6 rocking drummers who are also showmen Culture

6 rocking drummers who are also showmen

Refusing to accept their place at the back, some drummers have become the stars of the stage thanks to impressive tricks, a bit of mechanical craftiness and even acrobatic skills. Lead singers aren't the only ones to crave stage presence and public...

9 surprising instruments! Culture

9 surprising instruments!

When genius inventors who are also musicians tackle something that's been on the brain, it results in some new and pretty crazy instruments that produce sound that is just as wacky! Discover nine impressive and surprising unknown instruments.

Legendary keyboards and synthesizers Culture

Legendary keyboards and synthesizers

Derived from the medieval clavichord and baroque harpsichord, the piano is the most emblematic string instrument in the world. Since the 50s, many genius inventors have transformed their very own keyboards to create these synthesizers, electric...