Choosing the right outfit for your performance

Choosing the right outfit for your performance

Too often neglected by amateur musicians, an on stage outfit is an essential component of any show. While it should never take precedence over the music, it’s that little extra something that can make any artist a real phenomenon. For any...

April Fools for musicians

April Fools for musicians

Your siblings say you're the joke of the tribe. Remember, back when you told your parents you wanted to become a «professional musician», and they replied «Of course darlin'» to stop the non-sense. Or when you played in front of your friends, and...

United for better and... for business!

United for better and... for business!

Music feeds on love. It may sound cliché but even science can prove it: according to a 2007 study from the University of Florida, more than 60% of the most popular songs deal with topics of the heart. It shouldn’t come as a surprise then that some...

Jamzone on Music Is Win

Jamzone on Music Is Win

We've had the privilege to be featured on one of the major YouTube channels dedicated to the Guitar: Music Is Win. Tyler reviewed Jamzone for its 350,000+ fans, and we were very excited to hear his feedback. Check this out!

How to optimise your practice time

How to optimise your practice time

Ah good ol’ "practice sessions!” We sit around drinking beer, waiting for the guitarist to start, the singer to do warm-ups, the drummer to find his drumsticks, the guitarist to then re-tune and the bassist ... maybe not the bassist, he’s...